Join celebrity physician, Dr. Alan Christianson, as he guides thousands of disappointed dieters on a...

Revolutionary 7-Day
Metabolism Reset Challenge

Guaranteed To Boost Your Body's Natural Ability To Burn Fat,
Increase Energy, And Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life...

(no matter how many diets have failed you in the past)


  • Revolutionary coaching and recipe videos will be available via desktop or mobile devices, every single day
  • Incredible attention from Dr. Alan Christianson and his staff to get your long awaited questions answered
  • Restore your health to its natural state using just these 7 simple steps (all you have to do is sign up and follow along!)

Yes! I'm Ready To Activate My Metabolism!






Register below to reserve your spot on the 100% FREE Metabolism Reset Challenge...


Dr. Christianson and his all natural programs and protocols have been premiered on...

Why Your Liver Is Working Against You...

Have you ever wondered why your body rejects healthy food and absolutely craves snacks, sweets, and treats?

It's so frustrating when you eat healthy, exercise, avoid junky food... and still, the scale always seems to be stuck in the same place.

You may not know this but your liver could very likely be the culprit.

Believe it or not, 1 in 3 Americans are struggling with weight because of excessive fat build up in their liver.

...Rendering them helpless and preventing them from losing the weight they want, living the life they desire, and achieving the shape of their dreams.

This revolutionary metabolism reset is designed to remove all liver barriers and blockages and kickstart your metabolism into high gear to shed the stubborn weight that's been clinging to your body for far too long… and finally regain the energy and confidence to live life on your own terms.

Reserve Your Spot & Join
Thousands Of Other Eager Dieters
On A Journey That Will Finally Give
You The Results You Deserve






The Metabolism Reset Challenge Will Walk You
Step-By-Step Through A 7-Day Journey
Of Easy-To-Follow Recipes & Educational Videos

...And set you on the the right course for weight loss success!

DAY 1: Thyroid Resistance

Discover why your thyroid gland could be causing your body to make your weight not just rise, but fluctuate and how getting your thyroid under control is a key part of controlling your weight and getting to optimal health.

DAY 2: Fat Storing Genes

Did you know that your body has a genetic predisposition that could be setting you up for failure after failure? In this video we’ll discuss how these genes can affect your ability to lose weight and how to rein them in once and for all so your genetics doesn’t define your health.

DAY 3: Cortisol Slope

Excess stress can dump loads of a hormone called Cortisol into your body. Cortisol has been proven to add to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, mental fog, slow metabolism, excess fat storage and more we’ll discover exactly how to reduce stress and the free radical damage that cortisol can do in your body.

DAY 4: Apnea

Emerging research is proving that your sleep (or lack of) can not only contribute to excess weight, it can also exacerbate sleep apnea. The worst part? As your apnea becomes worse it slows your metabolism and lessens your body’s ability to heal from inflammation which makes a vicious circle adding to your weight problems!

DAY 5: Muscle Loss

A degenerative muscle disorder that’s commonly associated with aging but could be adding to your weight loss woes. In this video we’ll discover what it is and how your nutrition can directly affect this condition and how you can avoid it for the long term.

DAY 6: Skinny Flora

Believe it or not your liver isn’t the only organ system in your body that could be blocking your ability to lose weight. Inside your digestive system live billions and billions of different micro organisms and when your system is out of whack a set of “bad bacteria” can take over and cause your body to retain more fat!

DAY 7: Estrogen Reset

Women especially have a host of hormones that can directly or indirectly affect weight - and estrogen, especially in women reaching the age of menopause need to understand the effects of estrogen, the reduction in estrogen as menopause happens and how it can make your body try and “hold on” to fat even when it isn’t necessary!

After almost two decades of trial and error, Dr. Christianson has carefully designed each of the steps above to help his patients reset their entire body, reboot every vital organ and finally lose the weight they've been sick and tired of — quickly, safely, and 100% naturally.

Because of this program's overwhelming success, Dr. Christianson decided to make his entire 7-day challenge available to the general public and 100% FREE.

...Now is the time for you to enjoy the same results.

The Metabolism Reset Challenge Will Walk You
Step-By-Step Through A 7-Day Journey
Of Easy-To-Follow Recipes & Educational Videos

...And set you on the the right course for weight loss success!

DAY 1: Thyroid Resistance

Discover why your thyroid gland could be causing your body to make your weight not just rise, but fluctuate and how getting your thyroid under control is a key part of controlling your weight and getting to optimal health.

DAY 2: Fat Storing Genes

Did you know that your body has a genetic predisposition that could be setting you up for failure after failure? In this video we’ll discuss how these genes can affect your ability to lose weight and how to rein them in once and for all so your genetics doesn’t define your health.

DAY 3: Cortisol Slope

Excess stress can dump loads of a hormone called Cortisol into your body. Cortisol has been proven to add to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, mental fog, slow metabolism, excess fat storage and more we’ll discover exactly how to reduce stress and the free radical damage that cortisol can do in your body.

DAY 4: Apnea

Emerging research is proving that your sleep (or lack of) can not only contribute to excess weight, it can also exacerbate sleep apnea. The worst part? As your apnea becomes worse it slows your metabolism and lessens your body’s ability to heal from inflammation which makes a vicious circle adding to your weight problems!

DAY 5: Sarcopenia

A degenerative muscle disorder that’s commonly associated with aging but could be adding to your weight loss woes. In this video we’ll discover what it is and how your nutrition can directly affect this condition and how you can avoid it for the long term.

DAY 6: Skinny Flora

Believe it or not your liver isn’t the only organ system in your body that could be blocking your ability to lose weight. Inside your digestive system live billions and billions of different micro organisms and when your system is out of whack a set of “bad bacteria” can take over and cause your body to retain more fat!

DAY 7: Estrogen Reset

Women especially have a host of hormones that can directly or indirectly affect weight - and estrogen, especially in women reaching the age of menopause need to understand the effects of estrogen, the reduction in estrogen as menopause happens and how it can make your body try and “hold on” to fat even when it isn’t necessary!

After almost two decades of trial and error, Dr. Christianson has carefully designed each of the steps above to help his patients reset their entire body, reboot every vital organ and finally lose the weight they've been sick and tired of — quickly, safely, and 100% naturally.

Because of this program's overwhelming success, Dr. Christianson decided to make his entire 7-day challenge available to the general public and 100% FREE.

...Now is the time for you to enjoy the same results.

Join The Community And Together
We Will Transform Our Bodies & Lives

Listen… How many times have you tried to start a new diet on your own, only to fall off the bandwagon after a few weeks (or days)?

How much more likely would you be to stick to it and actually lose the weight you want to lose — and keep it off…

If you had an entire community of like-minded people going through the exact same weight-loss journey as you — rooting you on the whole way, keeping you motivated, and supporting you in times of doubt?

Well that’s exactly what Dr. C is creating with the 7 Day Metabolism Reset Challenge

This is your best chance at finally achieving the vibrant, energetic, toned body you’ve longed for, please don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity and register now!






Meet your instructor...


NY Times Best Selling Author & Celebrity Physician

Alan Christianson, NMD

Did you know that western medicine doctors are actually encouraged to forego prescribing natural, food-based treatments… In favor of expensive, habit-forming prescription drugs?

Thankfully, there’s one leading healthcare provider who’s decided to “opt out” of the western medicine “drug dealer” paradigm, and use a natural food-based approach to help his patients lose weight quickly and safely.

His name is Dr. Alan Christianson...

He's the New York Times Best Selling Author of The Adrenal Reset Diet and been featured on Dr. Oz, The Doctors, Inside Edition, CNN Headline News, and more…

And in just a few days, he’s going to be launching a week long, 100% FREE “Metabolism Reset” Challenge…

So that you can join him and thousands of other health-seekers all over the world, and set your body on the path to long-term health and a trim waistline — just the way nature intended.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Christianson, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.